Yair co-heads the firm’s litigation department. In his 30-plus years of litigation experience, Yair has argued many cases, before courts of all levels of the Israeli Judicial System, and in arbitration and mediation proceedings. Most notably, Yair has argued hundreds of cases before the Israeli Supreme Court, especially broad and extensive cases in the administrative and commercial fields. Yair also regularly tries cases for companies and corporations in all matters relating to commercial law, corporate law, property law, regulation and tender, media and communications, freedom of information, intellectual property, education statutes, environmental law and more. In addition, Yair specializes in drafting and litigating government tenders, on behalf of both governmental bodies and of bidders, and advises clients in major infrastructure projects and other large-scale endeavors. In these, Yair provides legal counsel and represents governmental bodies such as Israel Railways (ISR), The Council for Higher Education, The Bank of Israel and more.
Moreover, Yair heads the firm’s media and communications department and provides legal counsel to, among others, The Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation (IPBC), different newspapers and other related entities. In the past, Yair represented and was legal counsel to a major cellular telecommunications corporation. For many years, Yair represented and provided legal counsel to Israel’s Second Authority for Television and Radio, both in the aspect of television broadcasting (“Reshet”, “Keshet”) and in the aspect of local radio broadcasting, through which he dealt in matters concerning many government tender offers, regulation, freedom of speech in broadcasting, publicity, ethical journalism and so on.
Yair clerked for Prof. Menachem Elon, at the time he served as Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Israel (1988). Yair received an LL.B. from Bar Ilan University, where he was class valedictorian and served on the Editorial Board of the Bar Ilan Law Studies Journal.